Jane McClenaghan’s Blog
Simple weight loss tricks
I think it is fair to say that most of us try our best to make healthy choices in our food shop, and often those choices are led by food labelling or marketing. Low fat, high fibre, probiotic, reduced salt, 30% less sugar… and the claims go on. But are we really making a healthy choice when we drop these foods into our trolley?
Should we change our diet coming out of lockdown?
In these strange times of lockdown we have less incentive, as hanging out in loungewear with added lycra creates more space for the muffin top, and most events are postponed until further notice.
Is diet a risk factor in severe cases of Covid-19?
Each week we learn more about Covid-19 and the devastating effects it is having on the world. From the data that have been published to date, there seems to be some patterns emerging that tell us more about who is most likely to be admitted to hospital with severe symptoms of Covid-19, and some of that has been surprising.